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Your are here: Index > Classics Recommend >  Beijing Dongfang Shiye Gallery
[Youth]200CM-160CM2012 year
  Beijing Dongfang Shide Culture Communication Co., Ltd. Was founded on October 24, 2002, the registered capital is 10,000,000 RMB, the scope of business including organize culture and art communication activities (not including performance); Television pla

Beijing Dongfang Shide Culture Communication Co., Ltd. is under the management of the Oriental Art Center, it operates:personal exhibition;

 various press conferences; gallery products include: traditional Chinese painting, calligraphy, oil painting, porcelain and other art works. In recent years, 

Oriental Art Center has published Yang Feiyun, Xia Xiao wanHe duoling, DuhuaHuboHumingRen kuan, Wei Shen, Wu Hao, Zhang Zhiwen and 

other domestic and international famous artists, and have a greater response in the art , critics and collectors world, and has also obtained good economic
