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The exhibitors invite is finished, the painters’ experience exchange is beginning

The exhibitors inviting of the 16th Beijing Art Exposition is successfully ended in late June while the exhibit areas are sold out.
There are 125 galleries, art collecting organizations and special exhibitors come from 26 counties will be sure to participate this exposition finally.

    “I’m pursuing a feeling of solid and thick when you see the pictures’ textures. I added high chroma nanoscale mineral materials, like blue, green, red, and orange to the surface, and then matched appropriate amount grey and white pyrolysis with water, after that, through multilayer skills, such as spray, stick, dye, draw to express the style of oil paintings which different from other schools. ” Lin Funan said, he is the president of representative of Taiwan Art Research institute as a representative of Taiwan exhibition.

    “The beauty of art beyond boundaries, you will be recognized if you really expressed beauty.” The famous landscape painters Kou Zihao of  Yun Nan province said after won the gold medal in “2013 New York International Art Exposition” Kou Zihao will participate this exhibition with his “Autumn of Yin Xing Village” which has been won gold prize ,it is an landscape painting that based on Yin Xing Village of Teng Chong. The brushstrokes are smooth and the color is saturating. It drawn details of real life as well as the temperament of literati paintings, modernity and traditional complement each other.

    The DARA Gallery of Ukraine brings the paintings of Giovanni Canaletto who is the great Italian realism landscape painter, he has an inextricable relationship with Venice for he devoted himself to paintings about city landscape like squares, canals and churches in Venice which are sending out an attractive temperamental.

    About a thousand masterpiece come from many excellent galleries  will be gathered in Art Exposition on September 13 to 16,and will beneficial people in capital.